(Long story short: Spike used to live with me but when Dad's girlfriend moved in the dog had to go and live with my Grandparents)
It felt really strange, even though I had only had him back for just under a week. It was almost as if he had slipped through my fingers yet again and I had no control over it. No one seems to understand this except me but I will try to explain as well as possible, but Spike and I seem to have the same sort of connection that I would have with my best friend. He was always there for me when I was younger and was crying in my bedroom, he was always there when I felt like running about and having a play and in a way he actually taught me that I needed to give him and people space sometimes (he would tend to growl at me and bit me once when I got too close to him when he was trying to sleep. Taught me a lesson)

I had him for the week because my mum and her fiance went on holiday. I didn't really fancy being on my own and so I requested that I could borrow Spike from my Grandad for the week just so that I had company and something to keep me occupied whilst they were gone.
I loved how protective he was of me the whole time, despite a few growling moments when I got in his 'bubble' (which is just like how I feel sometimes, without the growling part) he made sure that people kept their distance from us which was probably more due to the fact that they were males and he seems to be really iffy about guys.
I wonder if people with ADHD/ADD feel the same way as I do with their own dog or other people's dogs. Our lack of social skills may mean that a doggy friend like Spike is exactly what we need to be happy in this not so friendly society that we live in.
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