Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Frustration and Impatience

Blimey, it has only been about 26 hours since my appointment at the doctors and I am already wanting this letter to be coming through the post. This will be locked onto my brain until I get anything back and is most likely going to be the only thing on my mind during a very important last few days at college.

To fuel my slight obsession with ADD at the moment I have decided to get involved in the forums once again and have come across quite a few interesting threads, one of which I would like to bring up. 

KnewItAllAlong says:
"Should we be offended when we hear someone say, about us or someone else, that we are "ADD" without them actually knowing that we have been diagnosed. As if it's a more politically correct form of calling someone "retarded". Am I being over sensitive? I hear it more and more. I even heard it on a TV show recently."

After reading this post, it reminded me of a documentary I had watched a few months ago about a boy called Alex. He had been diagnosed with ADHD and basically the documentary portrayed how hard it was for the parent to deal with this child and his extremely bad behaviour. This documentary was created for the BBC and I was actually quite shocked at how biased the film actually was. The professionals and experts that they featured all explained ADHD and ADD as a diagnosis for naughty children and did not explain any of the actual problems that a child or an adult have to deal with who have this disorder. 

I can completely understand why the public use ADD as an excuse or joke when films like the one I have mentioned has such an inaccurate portrayal of the disorder. Now I realise why the UK find it so hard to see this as a disorder when the only examples of ADHD that are publicised are basically a bunch of loud, naughty and rude children that need a massive kick up the arse.


  1. "Slight obsession" haha.
    Welcome to the world of hyperfocus.

    Glad that you have somewhere to get it all out, I've always wanted to be able to keep a record of "Me" but the follow through just doesn't interest me enough.

  2. Haha, tell me about it! I'm genuinely surprised with myself that I've even written a second post. I usually give up after a day or two because of a lack of a response.

    You should definitely try it out though, even just getting one comment from you has made me feel better and made this blog feel worthwhile.

    Thanks, Jessie

  3. Hi, I followed your link from the forums. I've also tried keeping a blog but yeah, not something I have been able to :) And my posts were extremely short, too.

  4. How about twitter instead then? Short and sweet, you can still get your message across and it's always interesting to know what another ADD'er is thinking or worrying about

  5. I considered twitter, and I might just start using it. I'll post on the forums when/if I geta round to it.. heh.
